Music theory lessons

All levels

With this online music theory course, learn how to read notes and rhythms in order to be able to read sheet music. This will give you access to those tunes you can’t play by ear, and for which there is no existing tablature!

This course is perfect for self-taught players who want to put into words what they’re doing, so they can better understand what they’re playing. It’s a great way to find out what that beautiful chord you love in a particular song is called, to understand the interweaving of scales and chords, to discover chord substitutions, and much more…

What’s more, the musical ear is enriched and improved, since all those things “in the ear” (in fact, in the brain!) finally find a clear and logical explanation… Thanks to these new skills, you’ll soon be able to write down your own compositions and arrangements, and your musicians will finally be playing exactly what you’ve heard!

So, is music theory inevitable? It’s hard to say that music theory is absolutely essential; it’s clear that there are some brilliant self-taught musicians… but they’re far from the majority. In fact, most musicians who “do the job” have stuck to theory at some time or other. Reading and writing music is so useful for better understanding what you do and what others do, but also for becoming an efficient studio musician, composer, arranger or even… a teacher?

Contact me for an
initial free one-hour lesson!

Theme: Overlay by Kaira
Paris, France